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A non-profit initiation by Tarinao in collaboration with Rakan TPNW

In support of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons


75th Anniversary of World’s First Nuclear Attack

1945, August 6 in Hiroshima. The first atomic bomb was deployed and lives were taken instantly. The city of Hiroshima was forever changed. 2020, August 6. Youth, step out of their silence and ignorance, to #DanceforNUKEBan A project by Tarinao and Rakan TPNW


Directed by Jia Xi Lee

Music by Froya Music (Michelle Lee)

Performed by the youths of Soka Gakkai Malaysia, and dance artists of Artists in Solidarity #DanceforNUKEBan (Alessia Stradiotti, Yeow Lai Chee, Sueki Yee, Julian Gan, and Dominic Lor)

Artists in Solidarity #DanceforNUKEBan

NINE artists with ONE purpose. In solidarity—#DanceforNUKEBan. 
This is an online dance performance streamed live on Facebook on July 7. Through dance and music, we hope to increase the awareness of nuclear threats, inspire respect for the dignity of life, and come together to create a world free from nuclear weapons.


The artists each have a unique perception and process in creating the commissioned work that reflects their stand in the movement for nuclear ban. The suggested themes are embedded in each tutorial session of #DanceforNUKEBan LIVE!

1. Interconnectedness of life
2. Everything you treasure
3. The violent impacts of nuclear weapons
4. It starts with me

Past event

2020: Learn to Dance for NUKEBan

Every Friday at 8:30 pm​

June 12 – Session One

June 19 – Session Two

June 26 – Session Three

July 3 – Session Four

Learn a simple dance solo suitable for anyone with or without formal dance training, and for small and confined spaces.

Dance for NUKEBan

TARINAO Live Performance

JULY 7, 8:30 pm

The significant milestone of the total abolition of nuclear weapons — the adoption of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) by 122 states at the United Nations in New York on July 7, 2017.

Collaborate with us

We are excited to be working with students, NGOs, and corporations to spread the idea of a world free from nuclear weapons in the minds of each individual in different communities. 
We are a proud partner and friend of peace with Rakan TPNW and Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

Contact us to 
collaborate in creating an anti-nuclear weapons campaign in your community today.

Let us all join hands and build the future we want – a future free from nuclear weapons. 

Rakan TPNW (Rakan means ‘Friend’ in Malay; pronounced as ‘Raa-kahn’) is a social media initiative by Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) to create a world without nuclear weapons through creating awareness of and promoting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Nuclear weapons are one of the greatest threats to the existence of humanity and all other life on Earth, including the planet itself. Through this initiative, Rakan TPNW aims to awaken and harness the power of common people to create a world free from the threat of nuclear annihilation. 


SGM ( is an organisation that promotes peace in society through cultural exchanges and humanistic education, based on the life-affirming philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism. 

Soka means creating value. As Buddhists engaged in society, we believe that all human beings, regardless of gender, ethnicity or social standing, have the power to overcome life’s challenges and develop a life of immense value. We are an affiliate of Soka Gakkai International (SGI;, a socially engaged Buddhist association linking more than 12 million people worldwide. 


SGI President Daisaku Ikeda wrote: “The future lives within the attitudes we keep. It’s not some rosy dream guaranteed to us without any efforts of our own. It will remain a fantasy unless we strive to make it a reality. Nor is the future necessarily dark and grim—such a vision of the future is the product of passivity and the refusal to strive for something better. We need to see the present clearly and objectively, envision the future we want, and then act to make it a reality. We need to strive our hardest, trusting in the power of our lives and the potential within humanity.”

Rakan TPNW Soka Gakkai Malaysia

An initiation to promote dance as a form of empowerment and expression of the current pressing social issues and or crisis that affect all levels of society individually and globally. From levels of total beginners to professional, Tarinao aims to play a role on multiple platforms and cross fields collaboration.

Tarinao’s core values lie in the propagation of the biopsychosocial approach in dance practice to provide a framework for efficient production of innovation, creativity, and wellness for the people by the people. Encouraging the promotion of dance to all levels of society as a form of expression of thoughts and emotions without discrimination.

Running at the forefront for the future of dance, Tarinao works with NGOs to support their cause related to peace, culture, and education that is in line with the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations through dance production presented in multimedia platforms.

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